Thwing & Octon Parish Councillors

Below, you will find a list of Thwing & Octon Parish Councillors along with our Ward Councillors.

If you have any queries, please direct them to our Parish Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer, Samantha Rounding, at

Our Councillors are dedicated to serving the community, addressing local concerns, and working towards the well-being of our parish.


Councillor Responsibilities Committees Email Telephone
Cllr Sandra Morrison Chairman Personnel 01262 470496
Cllr Simon Burdass Vice-Chairman Personnel 07814 119081
Cllr Andrew Frost Roads, Highways & Street Scene 01262 470496
Cllr Joy Blott   Personnel 07816 144986
Cllr Wayne Turnbull 07846 124050
Cllr Emma Harrison 07904 646671 
Cllr Mandy Jibson 01262 470219
Cllr Tim Lancaster 07421228311
Cllr James Hare  


Ward Councillors East Wolds and Coastal Ward
Cllr Jonathan Owen
Cllr Jonathan Bibb
Cllr Denise Howard



Election of Councillors

Our chairman and vice chairman are elected every year at our Annual Meeting in May.

Cllr Sandra Morrison elected Chair and Cllr Patrick Burdass elected Vice Chair in May 2023.

vacancies can sometimes occur during the period and when this occurs,

the Clerk should inform Electoral Services at the Principal Authority. Electoral Services will put notices up (or send them to the Clerk to put up) advertising the vacancy.

The notice allows for a period of 14 days in which 10 people can call for an election.

If so called, an election must be held within 60 days of the notice of the vacancy, otherwise there can be a co-option.

(Rule 8 of the Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) Rules 1986).



Thwing & Octon Parish Council is a member of East Riding and North Lincolnshire Local Council Association (ERNLLCA)

The East Riding and Northern Lincolnshire Local Councils Association, known as ERNLLCA, is an independent body which supports parish and town councils in the North Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire and the East Riding of Yorkshire. There is an equivalent organisation for each “shire county” area or equivalent in the country and all of these bodies, which are known as County Associations, join together as members of the National Association of Local Councils, or as it is more commonly known, NALC.

Our representatives for the ERNLLCA District Committee meetings are Cllr Sandra Morrison and Cllr Joy Blott

ERNLLCA (and its predecessor organisation, the Humberside Association of Parish and Town Councils) has been serving parish and town councils, and parish meetings, since 1974. 

Through ERNLLCA we have access to relevant legal information, we are kept abreast and updated on new legislation and are able to access training and improvement through management and development for councillors and staff.